Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Do you ever have one of those days? Or even one of those weeks? The ones where you feel like nothing is going your way? You always seem to say the wrong thing, or you can't seem to get yourself moving in the right direction? Maybe you are striding forward physically but inside of you it feels like your thoughts and actions are in slow motion? That's been me for the past week or two. Just not sure where to go, what to do, who I am, what I want out of my life.

But, in the reality of this "down" period, I know that it is only temporary. I do know who I am and what I want, but I've hit the proverbial "brick wall" within myself and can't seem to push forward. And sometimes it takes a force outside my own psyche to get me to reach down, find those crevices or cracks in that wall and start pulling them apart, brick by brick. To uncover something undiscovered about myself. Since it's me living with me on a constant one-on-one basis it's hard to give myself new ideas when I feel like that's all I continually do - search for inspiration on what angles or actions will prove more fruitful results - whether to move me forward in my job search or how to approach situations in my personal life.

A friend once said to me, on a really awful day in my past, "You can either look at today as the worst day ever OR you can think about this as the day when your life starts again." And, that's what I'm doing today.

I met with a friend, who I have not seen in quite some time, and it was one of the most wonderful conversations I've ever had. We shared ideas, exchanged stories about similar situations we are facing, and really ignited a new bond. One I hope will continue for many years to come. And while it was only a few hours on a cloudy Wednesday morning, it made it feel as if the sun was shining brightly, the proverbial sky had opened and all of a sudden, I was ready to get out there and get moving! And not in slow motion!

So, today is a new day. A day that is the start of something amazing. A new me. Someone who realizes there will be more grey days in the future, but that I can still find inspiration in my friends, my family or perhaps even someone I meet at a library seminar. The possibilities are endless.

And I believe that for everyone. I pose the question: What's holding you back in your life? I say go find that friend, that relative, or even that place that inspires you and visit with them or spend time in that place and regroup, reconnect, and rouse your spirits into a rebirth of your own!


  1. Shel, I love this post! Thank you for sharing! I've been revisiting old inspirations lately too, and it feels so good to stretch my world. :)

  2. Your stories really saved me out of the gloomy mind caused by the recent shocking event.
    Think positive and live now. Not live in the past. To stare at the innocent baby will be a magical cure.

  3. Thanks to all of you for the wonderful feedback. I appreciate you all taking the time to read my posts. And I'm glad I could spark a little inspiration as well! :-)
