Thursday, January 15, 2009

Shout Out

During this past week I've been on an emotional rollercoaster. One minute I'm happy and excited, the next I'm nervous, stressed and feeling like I'm about to have a panic attack. I can't believe tomorrow is already Friday! Each day I wake up and feel like I have to figure everything out in that day!

And while I'm learning that perhaps I need to calm down, breathe and just realize this time now is for me, and I can make it how I want, I still get that twitchy feeling in my stomach and this voice in my head that taunts me saying, "What do you want? How do you see your life?"

As I fight this internal battle, I am starting to learn something, not only about myself, but about my friends. I have the greatest friends a girl could ask for. Whether it's support via the internet, on the phone, or in person, I have a wonderful network of people in my world and I hope you all know who you are. They are all rooting for me, being there for me and I wouldn't be able to get through each and every day without them.

So, for tonight, I want to send a shout out to all my friends and say thank you for being there - for giving me advice, for listening, for helping me to stop for a minute and understand that I need to take this journey one day at a time. I'll get there.

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