I love Fridays. If someone were to ask me what my favorite day of the week was, I’d say Friday. It’s a day full of possibilities.
No matter how the 9-5 portion of the day turned out – deadlines met or customers satisfied – when the day is done, and the weekend begins, you can just feel the atmosphere around you morph into hope, excitement and opportunity.
There’s just this vibe that is in the air. People are more friendly, smiles on their faces, a spring in their step. I find people are more eager to get somewhere but despite their rush to “start the party” they will be kinder in traffic, or walking down the street.
Maybe it’s just me, but even as someone who is not frequenting a traditional office, I still spend the majority of my time working hard, sitting in front of a computer, making phone calls, visiting the library or attending seminars, and by the end of the week, I’m ready for the weekend. The idea of the “clean slate” or two days to myself to get all the “other” things I want to do accomplished, is such an intoxicating concept.
I understand that not every weekend is open wide and many things can be scheduled. Whether meeting friends, going away on a trip, having guests stay at your place or just trying a new restaurant, no matter what is going on, weekends tend to be a time to rejuvenate the soul, energize the spirit and remind us all that life is not just about work.